Deployment ========== As Pyroutes is a WSGI-based framework, we have several methods of deploying our applications. The most common is to use mod_wsgi and Apache. Apache2.2 and mod_wsgi ---------------------- As this web framework is based on WSGI, we'll use mod_wsgi as our way of deploying our project behind the Apache webserver. Let's start by setting up our base requirements (assuming you have pyroutes installed). **Debian based systems**:: sudo aptitude install apache2 libapache2-modwsgi sudo a2enmod wsgi sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 reload **Other** - Install apache from - Install mod_wsgi from - Enable mod_wsgi and restart apache (might be different on your platform):: sudo a2enmod wsgi sudo apache2ctl restart Once you have that installed we're going to need a ``VirtualHost`` for our project. Use this configuration as an example. More configuration options are available at mod_wsgi's website.:: ServerName ServerAdmin DocumentRoot /home/klette/dev/myproject/webroot WSGIScriptAlias / /home/klette/dev/myproject/ The most important line here is the ``WSGIScriptAlias`` line. In the example we declare that every path under ``/`` should be handled by that python file. When using ``pyroutes`` this is the file where you do:: from pyroutes import application and import all files and modules declaring routes. If ``WSGIScriptAlias`` is set to a different path, e.g. ``/projects/wiki``, Redirect responses starting with a slash are made relative to this path. That should be about it, and your project should be running smoothly behind apache.